Revamping H&M Over-Sized Dress!!!

 Hello Everyone!!

I'm here dropping another project on you. 

Well, not literally on you, more like for you, lol.

Ramping a dress to shirt and skirt..

I bought the dress for H&M, thinking maybe I could belt or wear it as is.
But it didn't go as plan. 

It's extremely too big for me. 

I purchased the dress on sale at H&M for $7.99.

I cut along the seam, where the top and bottom were sewn together. 

Serged both top and bottom pieces separately.

See below

Add elastic to bottom of skirt

Add elastic only to the back of the shirt, but hem front.

See Below..

Picture of back of shirt

And since, you only hemmed the front, so you can tie a front bow.

Sew easy and fun to do. Can't wait to wear it in the fall with cute cut out boots. 

Thank you for dropping by, please comment, subscribe, and share. 

Always remember,



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