41 & Expecting!!!
I know it's been a really long time since I've posted on my blog..
I've been trying to come to terms with what's going on in my personal life. It isn't anything wrong, but I just never thought it'll be me in this situation..
Well as you read in the title,

Now what in the hell am I going to do with a baby @ 41 years old?
But I'll tell you this, I'm sooooo excited for this next chapter in my life.. You all may not know but I already have 3 daughters ages 21, 13, and 7 years of age.
So, I'm literally, "Starting Over".
The whole family is over the moon about the baby and dad is ecstatic.
My big brother also has 3 girls, NO Boys in our family.
So everybody is counting on me, to pull through for that bouncing baby boy..
We're calling him Khalil after his grandfather and hubby's middle name..
Already LOL!!!!
Through the months I'll be giving you all the details abut the baby and I.
I will also post maternity clothing and baby clothing they I'll make and share on my blog.
Trust me, It won't be all baby this and baby that!
Cooking, DIY's, Gardening and Family time will still resume.
I Promise..
Thank you all for still sticking with me and I promise post will be following very some..
But Until Next Time....
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